Growing Pains: Scale with a refactoring mind A talk about Scaling a #engineering Platform from a #StaffEngineer and #EngineeringManager perspective in a conference organized by
Reduce no. of DB connection with Django Behind the Story Recently in my office we optimised our resources, our infra team removed unnecessary services, databases etc based on resource consumption. Let’s say we had 10 services using PostgreSQL, normally for that we had 10 separate PostgreSQL database instances(each instance can have max 500 concurrent db
Redis Based Microservices This is another blog post is based on a youtube video I have watched in youtube. This whole post is the summarised version of the video and my understanding of the use-cases 😊 Summery: The main discussion is about how to use a single redis instance to build a system of
Circuit Breaker Pattern in Nutshell Recently I was reading a blog on Circuit Breaker by Martin Fowler. I decided to summarise the content based on the blog and my experiences on this topic. Learning and Summery: In distributed systems a system often needs to call remote service calls to get proper data. But it can