Pushing Past Limits: My First 8K Adventure

From injuries and setbacks to crossing the finish line, my first 8K was more than just a race—it was a journey of resilience and growth. Through hard work, support, and pushing past my limits, I discovered that the real victory lies in overcoming the obstacles along the way.

Pushing Past Limits: My First 8K Adventure

Yes! Yes! I have finally done it, after months of training, injury, retraining, creating new habits, and rediscovering myself 100 times, I did it. I have finally run my first race, a 5 mile/8km run. It is called Dam to Dam Run.


In Feb/March, me and my colleagues found out that there is a run happening at September 2024. I was not super sure. But my friends, Anna, and Fabio nudged me a bit and assured me they would help me with my training. And I rode the wave and signed up. Boy oh Boy! I knew I had done a crazy thing, but at the same time, I knew if I did not commit now, it would never happen.

Now at the time I signed up, I had a knee issue. I was not able to walk comfortably or stand comfortably (let alone run). My knee has a half an inch hole(or space-like) stuff. I was absolutely suffering.  Also, I was overweight by 47kg at that time(I am using a standard BMI calculator here).

General Training:

My friends prepped me a couch to 8k Google sheet. Generally, you can find them online or in apps. but this is for a 6-month plan. Where I have different types of running plans on weeks and exercise planning.  But this was also a bit generic. Because I have multiple kinds of stuff like a heavy weight, knee, sleep issue.

This is what I did,

Running Activities by Month
  • Running 2 times a week. since April 2024. Trying to include new goals
  • Core and Muscle exercise 2 times a week
  • Swimming once a week
  • Special training to fix knees
  • Fixing food plans, adding new nutrition
  • Reducing Stress
  • Fixing Sleeps (trying)
  • Saying No to things, that would make break my previous bullet points, Like,

The last point was super super hard. And it kind of helps me realize what it means to set up a routine. And maintaining it

I set up my routine, everything should go perfectly now. No, no no, no! It did not. There has to be more drama.

Drama 1:

Right after, I start running in March. I got sick at the beginning of June. Had a tough fever and I was in bed for 2 weeks-ish. My whole training went down to drain. And I had to rebuild everything from the 3rd week of June. It's like 1 step forward and 2 steps backward.

Drama 2:

Now I again back on track. I almost hit 7.5 km under a nice time. And I was training on a treadmill. But in the last week of August(just 3 weeks shy away the run) got a hip injury out of nowhere. It's called hip bursitis. I was not able to walk, stand, or move. It's like a nightmare. Feels like I would never walk again. Again my friends were supporting me like hell. I went to physio. And the guy helped me with my hip and a lot. And Surprisingly he also helped me with a new running plan.

And Said, do these and visit me one more time. I will fix you(he did not utter these words, but I felt that is what he meant) before your race.

And I did all of them. and visited him. He said you do not need to be fixed. And you will do well in the run.

Final Outcome

Key Takeaways:

I have forced myself into some of the hardest routines for the last few months. Looking back, I feel like I absolutely need them, even if I hate(sarcastic) them.

Some of them are

  • No TV while eating
  • Reading books after dinner
  • Go to bed by 10.30 pm
  • Avoiding the food is not good for me. Like gluten, milk-based products. This means all the pasta, bread, pizza, roti, and snacks are gone from my life 😭😭. (This does not mean I do not have them, I have them in moderation)
  • Exercise in the morning (no excuses, even if I have to drag myself)
  • Stretching is more important than exercise.
  • Counting calories I am eating. It does not matter what I am eating, I just have to count them.
  • Reduce caffeine, which is bad for sleep
  • Be around like-minded people, they will lift you up.
  • No social media, this will destroy your mind and mental strength.
There is always time, it's just matter of priority and discipline

A few lines from the internet kept me motivated while doing these

What Would Your ‘Future Self’ Want You To Do now?
Why be normal, when you can be best!
Never say you can't do it. Say, I haven't done it yet, I have not done it Yet!
Discipline is what you hate to do, but doing it like you love it.
The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.

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