Disproving Myself (Part 1)

How I pushed myself to learn to swim within 30-40 hrs of training.

I have acquired a new skill! It's called swimming!! I know, I know. This is a basic skill every human should have in their life. But I am kind of slow to the game of life. I am catching up on everything a little bit late.

I sent this message on August 24, 2023

How Do I do it?

Training, Obviously! But I had to carve out time. This is what I did,

I went to an adult swimming lesson every Friday Night at 8 pm. from December 2023- July 2024

When I say every week. It's every week, except on holiday. No exceptions for winter nights or sick nights even went swimming 15 min after breaking fast in Ramadan.

What is It?

Finally, I got a Dutch swimming diploma A for adults! Technically that's level 1 (baby level), there are 3 more levels.

To pass the Level A(Level 1) exam, you need to qualify for the following stuff

  • Swimming in Clothes: Swim 50 meters (front crawl and backstroke) while wearing full-body tight clothing with a light shoe
  • Front Crawl: Swim 25 meters using the front crawl technique.
  • Backstroke: Swim 25 meters using the backstroke technique.
  • Breaststroke: Swim 25 meters using the breaststroke technique.
  • Treading Water: Tread water for at least 15 seconds without moving forward.
  • Underwater Swimming: Swim at least 3 meters underwater to pass through a large ‘escape’ hole in a canvas panel without Swim goggles
  • Jumping and Swimming: Jump into deep water and swim immediately.
  • Floating: Float on the back for a few seconds.
  • Safety Skills: Practice basic rescue techniques and safe water exit.
  • Water Confidence: Participate in water activities to demonstrate comfort and confidence.

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